Fee Schedule For The Year 2023-24

Home / Fee Schedule For The Year 2023-24
Class Tution Fee (Per Month) Smart Class Fee (Per Month) Development  Fee(Per Annum) Annual Fee(Per Annum) Fee for the month of April Fee Per Month (May to Mar) Tution Fee Per Qtr Smart Class Fee Per Qtr 1st Qtr Fee 2nd Qtr Fee 3rd Qtr Fee 4th Qtr Fee
Prep - V 6130 130 3000 4000 13260 6260 18390 390 25780 18780 18780 18780
VI - VIII 6600 130 3000 4000 13730 6730 19800 390 27190 20190 20190 20190
IX- X 6730 130 3000 4000 13860 6860 20190 390 27580 20580 20580 20580
XI - XII A 6970 130 3000 4000 14100 7100 20910 390 28300 21300 21300 21300
XI - XII B 6840 130 3000 4000 13970 6970 20520 390 27910 20910 20910 20910
XI - XII C 6870 130 3000 4000 14000 7000 20610 390 28000 21000 21000 21000
XI - XII D 7230 130 3000 4000 14360 7360 21690 390 29080 22080 22080 22080